There are several organs and behaviors unique to each person. Very difficult to find common parts of the body in different people even though twins. For that biometric system was developed as a unique identifier, for example as a fingerprint attendance, access control and others. Some of the things that developed into biometric devices are:
1. Fingerprint. Image of finger strokes on the form of the ridges and valleys which is used as a means of identification.
2. Face. The pattern of facial features that are used as a means of identification.
3. Iris Eyes. Iris pattern which is used as a means of identification.
4. Retina Eye. The flow of blood vessels in the retina that is used as a means of identification.
5. The size of the hand (Hand Geometry). Used as an identification tool is a 3-dimensional size of the hand, including finger length or width of the palm.
1. Fingerprint. Image of finger strokes on the form of the ridges and valleys which is used as a means of identification.
2. Face. The pattern of facial features that are used as a means of identification.
3. Iris Eyes. Iris pattern which is used as a means of identification.
4. Retina Eye. The flow of blood vessels in the retina that is used as a means of identification.
5. The size of the hand (Hand Geometry). Used as an identification tool is a 3-dimensional size of the hand, including finger length or width of the palm.
6. DNA.
7. Voice. Identification using sound spectrum analysis.
8. Signature. The pattern and pressure signature someone who used an identification tool.
Actually there are other types of biometrics, but that are widely used as mentioned above. At this present time that are widely used both fingerprints are used for fingerprint attendance, access control and for the measurement of intelligence of children and other functions. This is because the fingerprint technology has good accuracy, good reliability, low operational cost, easy to use and the physical size means that relatively small. For it would not hurt if we begin to look fingerprint technology.