Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Biometric Device. How It Works?

Simply put, the workings of biometric devices is divided into two processes, namely:

1. The process of registration (enrollment).

In this process, first scanner to read the object (fingerprint and his friends) and then processed to form certain patterns are then stored in the database. Here Database can be on the computer to type online tools or databases on the machine itself for standalone type.

2. The scanning process.

In this process, first scanner to read the object (fingerprint and his friends) and then processed to form certain patterns and then matched with data patterns stored in the database. If a match is found, it will display a confirmation that the object matches the stored data. If not found, then the confirmation mismatches will be raised.
Concerning the detailed process depends on the type biometriknya and the technologies have been developed by the manufacturer of biometric devices. To be sure of accuracy and speed as well as certain technical factors need to know to ensure that the tools we will use the right target. The parameters to determine the accuracy of biometric devices (fingerprint and his friends) will be written next.